Archive for February, 2011

Viva Egypt!

02.11.11. The people of Egypt have spoken, laud, clear, with courage & conviction. On the streets, everywhere, consistently for 18 days, relentless they clamoured Freedom! Justice! Equality! Democracy! They put their lives on the line. They may have a long way to go, but, today, at this time, it’s a new beginning; the dictator is gone!

We in the “West” have much to learn from this historic moment of citizen’s empowerment. The Egyptian Army has demonstrated its noble calling to serve & protect the Egyptian people, not shot at them nor consider them enemies of the state, after all it’s their sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, neighbours on the streets; how could they cause harm and not honour their own people? It’s an exhilarating moment; let the people of Egypt and its example be a shining light for the future of the Arab world and beyond. Let dictators everywhere shiver and heed this lesson. As Bob Marley once said; “you can fool the people sometimes, but you can’t fool the people all the time” … Elation & Joy.

Viva Egypt!

Leo Campos Aldunez

Edmonton, AB (Canada)


Don’t be afraid, said the lover; Let your name be embraced to its fullest. Don’t be afraid, said the dreamer; May the journey help find your voice, unearthed, present. Don’t be afraid, said the lonely; Honor what it was, cherish what it is, dream what it could be. Don’t be afraid, said the citizen; history will follow; your stories will console you, always. Don’t be afraid, said the walker; Let your steps carry your feelings wide & be known.

Don’t be afraid, said the writer; Let your plume manifest its full insights. Don’t be afraid, said the artisan; Let your inspiration show, be seen. Don’t be afraid, said the human; Pause, settle, listen & rest under the wide blue skies. Don’t’ be afraid, said the spirit; Cry if you must, alone, if you choose, in the company of trusted friends, if you are willing. Don’t be afraid, said the clown; Nothing to fear here, see? Look at the mirror, smile. Don’t be afraid, said the muse; love will find you.


© Leo Campos Aldunez

Edmonton, AB (Canada)